Calligraphy Class Offerings Early 2024

Hello, this Winter, I will be offering two 5-week classes.

Italic Calligraphy for Beginners:
Saturdays February 10-March 9, 10am-12:30pm
Class description: If you have taken one or no classes with me, this class is for you.
We will cover a brief and personal history of Italic in the Pacific Northwest, with a
focus on Portland and teachers Lloyd J. Reynolds, Jacqueline Svaren, Robert Palladino, and others.
We will study form, pen and ink, spacing, ruling paper, posture, breathing.
Italic is a script that comes from 15th century Italy, first attributed to scholar Niccolo de Niccoli.
In the late 1930's, by way of British calligraphers and teacher Lloyd J. Reynolds, Italic found its way into the hands of modern scribes.
Italic is more than just "beautiful lettering," it is part of a lineage and a community and it is a gift that must be passed on.
Class fee: $175. All materials provided. A short break is included in class time.

Italic for Intermediates: Tuesdays February 13-March 12, 12pm-2:30pm
Class description: If you have taken two or more classes with me, this class is for you.
This class will offer one on one feedback with each student, will focus on form and shape and accuracy of the script.
We will apply what we know towards the use of the script in designs and larger projects, not just practice sheets and n-alphabet chains (though they are very useful and we will use them for warming up!).
This class will also focus on spacing, the relationships the letters have to one another, and Majuscules (uppercase) letters, as well as numbers.
Italic is more than just "beautiful lettering," it is part of a lineage and a community and it is a gift that must be passed on.
Class fee: $175. All materials provided. A short break is included in class time.

Click Here to Register for Class.